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but call me SylvieB

I was born in Quebec "La Belle Province", Canada. I also lived in Bophuthatswana, South Africa for a short time until coming to the United States in 1992.

My background was in computer science but I eventually found a passion for real estate and  became a licensee in early 2001.  I sold residential properties in the San Fernando Valley for a few years and enjoyed the California life.

I discovered Paso Robles for the first time in 2005 while attending the Wine Festival and permanently moved in 2009.  I continued to sell real estate in this beautiful wine area of the Central Coast of California.

Alas, new events in my life have brought me to change direction and branch out.  In 2016 I became a certified mediator with Creative Mediation at Wilshire Community Services.  The local nonprofit collaborates with the court to offer free mediation services to all small claims litigants in Paso Robles and San Luis Obispo.  This new role has given me a new sense of accomplishment and self-worth.  And time flies when you are enjoying life! 


2017 is already behind us and we are turning the page to a brand new year.  New resolutions and new projects are in the works.  Stay tuned for what promises to be yet another interesting year!

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